Childhood Obesity Facts

In this Pennsylvania State University program, Kris Clark, professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University hosts various Penn State health professionals in an examination of the causes of childhood obesity, including the impact of larger food portions and reduced physical activity.

Learn about how today's American lifestyle of fast food, driving instead of walking, as well as video games and computer use, have affected children's health. This is a long Childhood Obesity Facts video – ½ hour – but it is very good.

In the United States, 1 out of every 3 kids is considered overweight or obese. Rates of type II diabetes are increasing among children at very high rates. 85% of these cases are related to a child entering the overweight or obese zone. Many kids are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the television. Making changes to the way your family eats and exercises can positively impact their health (and yours too).

Helping kids adopt healthy lifestyles starts at home with parents who can lead by example. Although it seems we just do not have time to eat well, with a little planning and possibly the weekly supermarket flyer showing specials on healthy fruits and fresh vegetables, we can augment or replace the unhealthy snacks with carrot or celery sticks, fresh fruit, berries, nuts for those without nut allergies....