Childbirth - Postpartum Depression

Your Emotional Wellness after Childbirth

Sometimes right after childbirth you may feel sad or moody.  Many moms experience postpartum distress to some degree. 
The mildest form of this is called the "baby blues" and it usually appears between two days and two weeks after the
baby is born.  This condition is temporary and usually brief.  Experts consider some degree of postpartum distress to be a normal occurrence.

Here are some symptoms to look for.
lack of connection with the baby
crying for no apparent reason
low self-esteem and lack of confidence

Seeing your healthcare provider is a good idea if you experience these symptoms and feel you are experiencing some form
of postpartum distress.

Postpartum Depression (PPD)

As mentioned earlier, the "baby blues" is the mildest form of postpartum distress.  However, a more serious
condition is Postpartum Depression (PPD) and it affects about ten percent of all new mothers.  In this form the symptoms
are more intense and last longer.  One way to distinguish between the two is to look at the mom's sleep patterns.  If
she is able to sleep, it is usually the baby blues.  If not, due to anxiety, it could very well be PPD.

PPD can occur from two weeks to one year after childbirth.  A mother may experience any of the above symptoms along with
feelings of anger, panic, confusion and even hopelessness.  Eating and sleeping may be affected and she may feel that
she is losing her mind or feel that she could hurt herself or her baby.   In this case, the mom may be experiencing the
most serious form of postpartum distress called Postpartum Psychosis.