Your Body After Baby
Get your body back after childbirth to
pre-pregnancy weight
Usually you lose up to fifteen pounds right after your baby is born.
Quite often you will retain close to five pounds of fluid,
but that should be out of your system within a few days.
During pregnancy your body stores seven to ten pounds of fat in order to
provide you with energy for the first few
months after having your baby. Eating properly and getting some exercise will
help with getting those pounds to slowly come off.
One of the best ways to speed up weight loss after the baby is born is by
breastfeeding. When you breastfeed, your body
burns up to one thousand calories a day to produce milk. Eating fruits,
vegetables and grains and keeping your water
intake high all aid in providing your baby with good nutrients and with
losing that extra weight.
An excellent weight loss tip that has proven to be effective is to eat
your main meal at lunch and then have a light
dinner. Furthermore, if you stay away from mixing your proteins and
carbohydrates together, that is, just eating one or
the other with vegetables, you will feel satisfied yet not too full after
your meals.
Quite often that will lead to
slow, yet consistent weight loss and the kind that is usually permanent.
It is also a very healthy approach to losing
weight and to keeping you energized while taking care of your newborn.