Video Games That Improve Fitness
The whole family can enjoy these video games that get you off of the couch, improving fitness and working out.
Video games that help families get fit. In today’s world, we constantly have the feeling that our children spend far too much time in front of the TV or computer, or playing with their handheld video game consoles. However, there are some exceptional products on the market that can actually improve our children’s fitness. Video Game fitness is a new trend of combing video gaming with fitness.
Wii Fit by Nintendo, is a combination of fun and fitness that everyone can play regardless of age. It has four training modes with more than 40 exercises and activities including yoga, balance games, strength training and aerobics.
The Wii Balance Board is an accessory for Wii Fit that is a scale that reads your real-life movements and brings them to life on screen. You can realistically try snowboarding or walking a tightrope!
Wii Fit has easy-to-read charts and graphs so you can perform a body test every day to measure your center of balance, Body Mass Index and body control.
Furthermore, the whole family can set goals and chart progress for improving overall health and fitness.
Another video game combining fitness and fun is Dance Dance Revolution. This game, produced by Konami just over 10 years ago, was the first video game incorporating rhythm and dance. Players stand on a “dance platform or mat” and hit coloured arrows laid out in a cross with their feet to visual and musical cues.
Dance Dance Revolution can be a great aerobic exercise and weight-loss tool. Players have reported losing anywhere from 10-95 lbs!
Many schools use Dance Dance Revolution as an activity in physical education class and it has been registered as an official sport in Norway
Some home versions of Dance Dance Revolution have a function to estimate calories burned so players can use “workout mode” to make a diary of such.
With either Wii Fit or Dance Dance Revolution, you just may want to encourage your children to get in front of that TV! (At least you won’t feel guilty about it when they are playing those game