Minerals Nutrition
We all know we need vitamins. We have been told, and tell our kids, to eat up that broccoli and choose the whole wheat bread. We know the types of vitamins and minerals out there – we see them listed on food labels all the time. But did you know which vitamins and minerals help bolster the immune system? Or which ones may help eliminate migraines? Here is a handy list of Minerals for proper Mineral Nutrition:
Minerals Foods - Mineral Nutrition
Calcium is a major component of bones and teeth – making it essential for the development of growing bodies. Combined with Vitamin D, calcium can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium is needed for muscle contraction, nerves, heartbeat regulation, glandular secretion, and clotting of blood. It helps you produce energy and fight off infections. Calcium may also reduce the symptoms of PMS.
What foods have Calcium? Milk, cheese, yogurt, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried beans and sardines.
Recommended Daily Intake: 65-1500mg/day
What happens if you don’t get enough? Calcium is really important in your kids growing bodies as teeth and bones won’t develop as well without it. You may have a higher risk of colon cancer or blood pressure if you are deficient in calcium. Combined with Vitamin D, calcium can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium may help with, or reduce, hypertensive disorders associated with pregnancy - Minerals Foods
Iron is important to help your red blood cells carry oxygen to your tissues. It also helps cell growth.
What foods have iron? Iron is found in poultry, red meats, whole grains, nuts and peas. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption.
Recommended Daily Intake: 1.4-45mg/day.
What happens if you don’t get enough? You can feel tired or get headaches. You can get iron deficiency anaemia. You may also get short of breath when you are working out. It is important to get enough iron, but not good to get too much, since that can lead to constipation, diarrhoea or vomiting. Children under 6 are at particular risk for fatal poisoning by accidental overdose of products containing iron.
Magnesium is important for all of your body’s major biological processes – like the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, as well as the production of cellular energy. Magnesium is needed for formation of your soft tissues, bones and muscles. It helps regulate your heartbeat and nerve transmissions. Magnesium helps your body absorb some other minerals and metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
What foods have magnesium? You can find magnesium in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Recommended Daily Intake: 20-500mg/day
What happens if you don’t get enough? You can feel nausea or muscle weakness, twitching or irritable. Magnesium may also reduce blood pressure and help regulate your heartbeats. It may reduce the risk of bone related fractures due to osteoporosis.
Pantothenic Acid is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, so it helps with antiviral activities and healing. It is used to make red blood cells and hormones. Pantothenic acid is also used by the body to make proteins, metabolize carbohydrates and fats. It may help manage rheumatoid arthritis.
What foods have Pantothenic acid? You can find it in egg yolks, avocados, peanuts, broccoli, milk, brown rice, soya, yeast, lentils and organ meats.
Recommended Daily Intake: .4-500mg/day
What happens if you don’t get enough? Deficiencies can lead to fatigue, numbness in the toes and burning feet syndrome.
Phosphorus is needed by every cell in the body, and is necessary for the formation of DNA and cell membranes. Phosphorus helps build and maintain healthy teeth and bones, and about 85% of the body’s phosphorus is found in the bones. Phosphorus is essential for energy release and storage, as well as muscle and nerve functions.
What foods have Phosphorus? Meat, fish, poultry, dairy and high protein foods.
Recommended Daily Intake: 700-1250mg/day
What happens if you don’t get enough? The body usually has sufficient phosphorus. However, getting enough phosphorus is especially important for people with diabetes, alcoholism, and kidney disease. Those with kidney insufficiency should avoid phosphorus supplementation.
Zinc helps increase endurance and helps to prevent fatigue.
What foods have Zinc? You can increase your zinc intake by eating oysters, meat,
egg yolks, milk and whole grains.
There are many other minerals, but you get the idea. Check out the vitamin link to read more about the essential vitamins for your health, and your growing kids.