Spill it! cards

you can print these out

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

fit for a feast.com

If you could be any singer/rock star/pop star, who would you be?

fit for a feast.com

You just won $10 million.  What would you do with it?

What movie star would you want to trade places with?

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever said?

You have to make up a cool name for your band.  What would it be?

 What is the weirdest thing about you?

Who is the weirdest person in your family?  Why?

Name the time you were the most scared?  Why?  What happened?


What character in a TV show would you most want to be?  (Name the show and the character)

What was your best day ever?

What was your most embarrassing moment ever?

If you had to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If you could change something about your life, what would it be?

If you had to switch lives with someone, who would it be with?

What do you dislike most about boys (opposite sex)?

If you were invisible, what is the first thing you would do?

 What is your silliest fear?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Why?

Name one place in the world you never want to visit.

If you had to be an animal, which one would you be?  Why?

Name one person you would never, ever want to marry.  Why?

If you had to choose your own name, what name would you choose?

What other names were your parents considering when they named you? 

If you were born a boy instead of a girl, what name would your parents have given you?  (If you don’t know – name the worst name you can think of for a boy)

Who is the prettiest girl you know?  (You can make this more than 1 question – 1) at school 2) famous person  3) or part of some other group) (Instead of prettiest – you could also do nicest)

Who is the cutest guy you know? (You can make this more than 1 question – 1) at school 2) famous person  3) or part of some other group)

What is the most exotic place you have ever visited?

Where is the farthest place you have ever travelled to?

Make up a nickname for everyone in the circle.

If you had to enter a talent show, what would your talent be?  If they wouldn’t let you do that, what would your second choice be?

What is your favourite song of all time?

What is your favourite movie of all time?

What movie do you hate the most?

What song do you hate the most? Sing the chorus.

If you had to dye your hair a neon color, which color would you choose?








