Healthy Trailmix Recipe


Trail Mix Kids Snack Recipe

This can be made ahead of time and kept in an air tight container.  You can use the size scoop you need – depending on if you are making a small batch or a party batch.



2 scoops pistachios
2 scoops cashews
1 Scoop almonds
3 scoops sunflower seeds
3 scoops pumpkin seeds
Pinch of Herbamare spice (cayenne pepper, garlic, cumin) or preferred seasonings
Oil (olive or vegetable) – optional
1 scoop dried fruit – currents, dried cranberries or raisins

Put all ingredients on parchment paper on a cookie sheet (or a non stick pan).  Bake in a 300 degree pre-heated oven for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven & let cool.

Transfer mixture to a bowl and add dried fruit.  Stir and serve.

See the Healthy Kids Snacks Recipes Trail Mix Video here for step by step instructions.



Healthy Kids Snacks can taste great too. By getting used to some healthier alternatives, we can really improve our overall health and well-being and have more energy throughout the day too. Check out this Trailmix recipe for a great kids snack alternative. Those that have nut allergies can look to many of the other nut-free recipes on this site and on the web including fresh fruits and veggies.