jumprope skipping rope

Jumping rope is lots of fun and it's also great exercise!

For solo skipping you will need a shorter rope that at least touches the ground when you hold the handles in your hands at your waist.

For the group games you will need a long skipping rope.

Two people will be the "Enders" that will hold the ends of the rope and turn it for the other(s). If you want to do double dutch or the harder expert skipping, you will need two long ropes. The "Enders" will turn one rope in one direction and the other rope in the other direction.








c 2009 Fit for a Feast- a fun place for kids cooking, kids fitness and kids activities. Join Katrina and Sloane for some great cooking recipes, dance tips and fun activities for kids.



skip rope

Watch our skipping videos to get inspired.
You can print out the rhymes to memorize them and teach your friends. Send us your rhymes as well.

Whenever you say the word "hot" or "pepper", it means you are supposed to start skipping as fast as you can.