Trick or Treat Halloween Toy Bags
This Halloween you can hand out toys or useful items instead of candy.
Treat bags and toy bags can be stuffed with all kinds of loot. Sometimes when homes run out of candy they reach for spare change, but planning ahead can leave you ready with erasers, pencils, rulers, toothbrushes and other Halloween themed items.
Pumpkin & Ghost Cellophane Treat Bags
Get a pack of 100 cellophane bags to put different Halloween treats in.
Happy Halloween
Halloween Treat Bags are a great, fun and healthy alternative to just handing out candy. Some items are actually for safety including the Halloween reflective necklaces and mini-flashlights.
Other practical Halloween toys include toothbrushes and toothbrush timers, pencils, erasers and craft supplies.
Plus you can reuse any leftover items next year as non-edibles don't go bad.